Technical Services
We offer the most extensive technical support services in our industry, maintaining both new and legacy equipment.
Equipment Installation
Working exclusively with certified equipment installers means that we can offer unparalleled professionalism during construction. We have a reputation for the highest standards, working on time and on budget.
Service Maintenance
Our technical support team carry out hundreds of service visits every year across the country – and beyond. As every centre is different, every Service Agreement is too, tailored to the requirements of the individual centre.
Telephone Support
We understand that properly working equipment is essential to keeping your business running. Because of that, we offer a 364 days-a-year telephone support service to our customers with Service Agreements. We’re always on hand – backed up by the Brunswick Technical Support team – to offer you telephone support on scoring and pinsetter issues within your bowling centres operating hours.
Emergency Call Out
Even the most experienced team can sometimes come up against something they cannot handle – from unexpected equipment breakage and scoring failures to technician sickness and sudden spikes in workload. To help handle this we offer both pre-planned and emergency service support, provided by our team of experienced pinsetter, lane equipment and scoring technicians.
Project Works
No matter the quality of the technical team, on some occasions additional resource is needed to get on top of the required servicing. We have a team of technicians experienced in a variety of pinsetters and scoring equipment, frequently deploying them to centres to work alongside your team to bring your tenpin bowling installation up to scratch.