Dom Barrett is a Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) professional and one of the country’s leading ten pin bowlers, having won eight PBA titles, the US Open and has bowled 65 perfect 300 games in profession competition.
This month Dom is spending some time at Gobowling Dunstable, hosted by Andy Penny from Ballmaster Pro Shop in collaboration with Bowling Vision, offering a series of opportunities for you to work with him on your game and win prizes too.
Tuesday 19th October – Bowl With a Pro
This fun family event offers you the opportunity to pit your bowling skills in a tournament alongside professional bowler Dom Barrett. If you manage to beat Dom then you win a ball of your choice.
The evening includes not only the tournament but a buffet, prize draw, trick shot demo and a Q&A session with Dom on pro tour life.
Tuesday 19th & Wednesday 20th October – Bowl Like a Pro
Dom is offering two-hour bowling clinics. With only up to six people per session you’re guaranteed quality one-to-one time with Dom to work on your bowling choices and technique. Dom will coach you on all aspects of your game including helping you to select the best ball for your game.
Tuesday 19th & Wednesday 20th October – Select an arsenal Like a Pro
Bowling ball demos are available across the two days. Selecting the right ball for you and for your game is essential to bowling success. Dom will work with you to identify which ball or balls from the extensive range on offer from the seven brands of Brunswick, is best suited to you. Plus, you’ll be given a custom IT thumb insert.
If you purchase a ball on the day, from the demo range, you can get it drilled to Dom’s layout built for your style.
This event includes special deals on the very latest Brunswick releases and huge discounts on close out lines.
Book an event
All of these Dom Barrett events can be booked via Ballmaster Pro Shop, where you’ll also find current pricing information.
Other Dom Barrett events
Alongside competing in the Weber Cup and IBF Super World Championships, Dom will be visiting a number of Pro Shops around the country throughout the rest of the year so be sure to keep an eye out to see if there is an event near you!
17th October Free event at RAF Alconbury featuring bowling coach Andy Penny and Pros Dom Barrett and Ritchie Teece